In fact, the Go team explicitly tells you not to do that: "do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating."
Sadly, that doesn't mean what you think it means. It really means: don't organize your IPC around shared state. The juxtaposition in the second half is not directly related to the first half (except poetically), though it does do a good job of completing the their picture of CSP. Also note: it is explicitly talking about shared (sadly mutable) state.
You can always opt not to share memory, but there's no facility to prove or enforce it. It's not dire, with practice you can send values, or never mutate referenced objects. It is very natural for the most part. I've done it, but not in Go.
Finally, it's not doom. Even C can do threading after all, and somehow these things don't blow up too much. But there's value in eliminating the pitfall entirely. When people criticize Go for being imperfect, they're not saying it's not going to work, they're contrasting with a more effective solution or lamenting that some design decisions weakened the effort.
Sadly, that doesn't mean what you think it means. It really means: don't organize your IPC around shared state. The juxtaposition in the second half is not directly related to the first half (except poetically), though it does do a good job of completing the their picture of CSP. Also note: it is explicitly talking about shared (sadly mutable) state.
You can always opt not to share memory, but there's no facility to prove or enforce it. It's not dire, with practice you can send values, or never mutate referenced objects. It is very natural for the most part. I've done it, but not in Go.
Finally, it's not doom. Even C can do threading after all, and somehow these things don't blow up too much. But there's value in eliminating the pitfall entirely. When people criticize Go for being imperfect, they're not saying it's not going to work, they're contrasting with a more effective solution or lamenting that some design decisions weakened the effort.