A nice touch might be if voting reordered the site's RSS feed as well as the webpage. If you have a way to generate a podcast from submitted music, that could be a great combination. I have a lot of trouble following HN through an rss reader because the filter is so much worse, but there's no reason the .xml file should be in any different order than the html file. And podcasts have even worse navigation options than other rss feeds.
This would probably not work with PuSH. But two separate feeds, one for PuSH and one that gives a voting-ordered snapshot when it's fetched, might let you target both the very-frequent and the casual users.
(haven't been able to check out the site yet, so this point might be extra ignorant)
This would probably not work with PuSH. But two separate feeds, one for PuSH and one that gives a voting-ordered snapshot when it's fetched, might let you target both the very-frequent and the casual users.
(haven't been able to check out the site yet, so this point might be extra ignorant)