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The NYT tends to have really good articles, but some of their columnists are so off the wall I can't figure out how they keep their jobs. Being a columnists gives the writer a self reinforcing celebrity factor then they just stick around way longer than they should.

FYI: Krugman is a Nobel Memorial Prize winning economist who is quite otherwise famous.

quite otherwise famous = sadly enough by reinventing himself as a partisan talk show pundit.

He's not just a columnist at the Times, he's the only columinst at the Times ;-)


Just about the only one worth reading. And the one[0] [in just about the whole of the news industry] with the best track record as far as making testable and correct predictions.

[0] http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/mediawire/130485/claim-kr...

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Krugman fan. Even he had a good laugh at the Krugman Times and shared it on his blog.

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