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You and Your Research (1986) (boun.edu.tr)
20 points by asciilifeform on April 1, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Indeed, it's a re-post, but it's always one I'm happy to read again from time to time. :)

Wow, blast from the past. I remember reading this in grad school -- it's such an inspiring talk.

At the time, my roommate and I used to have these conversations on how the prevailing focus in many research labs was more towards simply publishing papers -- which does not necessarily translate to breakthrough, innovate, fundamental research that often takes patience and a long hard look at problems.

The pursuit of publications we felt like it was a factory is a sure way of mediocre/average research that gets lost in an increasing pile of papers.

I remember reading this article then, many times.

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