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She made her own dick jokes about sexually embaressing a TSA agent on twitter at the same conference.


And Sendgrid has a 'photocopying your genitals' joke on one of their jobs pages.


To be fair: that's not a "photocopying your genitals" joke. It's a "photocopying your bottom" joke.

Clearly, you have never attempted to photocopy your anogential region.

The distinction really matters?

I guess it seemed relevant to me, because the whole point was that Adria was (perhaps too easily) triggered by comments with sexual undertones. There is something scatological and offensive about photocopying your bum, but it doesn't seem all that sexual. Mooning a stranger is obnoxious, but exposing yourself to a stranger makes you a sex offender.

(And yes, it's pretty easy to photocopy your ass without photocopying the other parts if you sit on the photocopier the right way.)

IMHO, it's more public and potential offensive than muttering 'dongle' in a crowded theater.

The point I was trying to make is that every party involved is in definitely in the gray area between offensive and unoffensive. She made sexual humiliation jokes in front of thousands of twitter followers. Her company made scatlogical jokes in a much more professional setting than a conference. Compared to these, muttering 'dongle' in a crowded theater is, you must admit, at least equally as offensiv, if not quite a bit less.

And nobody gave a damn about her twitter jokes or the company jobs page before this.

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