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Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming (earthtimes.org)
13 points by gibsonf1 on Sept 12, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

The Hudson Institute = right wing think tank = press release from them is meaningless.

Just as long as these guys don't get as much power as the PNAC did, we'll be fine.

I hate being mislead as much as the next guy, and the article is depressingly short on citations (probably to rally skeptics to buy the book) but I'll quote Peter Norvig here and say, "do your own research": http://norvig.com/oreskes.html I don't care where the ideas come from if they're verifiable.

You are correct. Always, check your sources:


The PNAC. I still cannot get over them. A perfect storm they rode, in plain sight, documented. Unbelievable.

I find it unbelievable that a bunch of guys whose job was to sit around and write papers were able to hijack the USA and destroy Iraq.

Also unbelievable was the level of mind control that the public was amenable to. The media cheerleading, people screaming, "Shut up! Support your troops!" All the predictions the objectors had came true, and yet a large segment of the population is still drinking the Kool Aid. Scary.

Oh, come on, don't turn this into a general news site. Save that for Reddit or something.

The idea that Global Warming may not be human caused is a radical idea these days, completely non politically correct and disruptive - hence a good candidate for YC news. I don't know anything about the source of this release, but I have read now at least 10+ scientific articles with evidence on the likeliest cause of warming being the Sun, especially given the fact that all the planets in the Solar system are also warming up at the same time (as reported by NASA), and the fact that this pattern has occurred in the past countless times.

He's right, NASA has seen the same amount of warming on Mars over the last 50 years as we have experienced here. It doesn't mean that Global Warming isn't really a problem but there might not be anything we can do about it except plan for life afterward. Even if it is man made do you really think a few light bulbs and hybrids are going to make any difference? You can't stop Global Warming at this point, no matter what the cause is.

He said "all the planets in the solar system." I'd still like to see a citation.

Mars warmed for other reasons.


from what journals?

I read that in Michael Crichton's "State of Fear". Isn't that as good as any scientific journal?

From the journal Nature: http://cc.oulu.fi/%7Eusoskin/personal/nature02995.pdf

Quotes from Scafetta, N., and B. J. West, 2006. Phenomenological solar contribution to the 1900-2000 global surface warming. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 1029/2005GL025539. http://www.worldclimatereport.com/index.php/2006/03/21/solar...

An article from the Telegraph citing some scientists involved in the new Solar findings: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/07...

From the Nature piece: "Solar variability is unlikely to have been the dominant cause of the strong warming during the past three decades."

About Scarletta and West: "However, they emphasized that their findings do not argue against the basic theory that significant global warming is occurring because of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse" gases." http://www.dukenews.duke.edu/2005/09/sunwarm.html

The Telegraph article is vague. That's an example of why rms asked for journals.

This is just flame fuel. We don't need to go there.

Agreed, hopefully an editor removes it soon...and submits it to Reddit to gain some karma!

If press release from this right wing institute is meaningless, then I may also say that the New York Times and Time magazine are left wing think thanks and no information from them should be trusted.

in other news, 1000's of professional climatologists have amassed 10's of 1000's of peer-reviewed literature that is consistent with anthropogenic enhanced warming. oh how can i decide who to trust in this crazy world?!! won't someone please just tell me the answer, preferably one that is simple and just plain common sense? i promise i'll believe you if it seems plausible and means i don't have to change the way i view the world...

one solar explosion affects the earth more than all mankind could ever do.

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