(I realize I probably shouldn't respond to this question, which would have been satisfied by simply reading the link. But it gave me an excuse to post this talk.)
I absolutely loathe videos. There went 15 minutes of my life to get a short message: be minimalistic in processes and code. Not that it isn't a good message, but hardly worth more than the ten seconds needed to scan it in text.
Actually, the talk is the 3 videos in that playlist, not just the initial one. For instance, he gets into "knowledge debt", using Clojure and Neo4j as examples.
I suppose potentially interested people will want to skim until they find something they're interested in; it starts out slow. Sorry you didn't find it worth your time, though I found it worthwhile.
"I open-sourced Cascalog, ElephantDB, and Storm, started writing a book, gave a lot of talks, and in July of 2011 experienced the thrill of being acquired. My projects spread beyond BackType and Twitter to be relied on by dozens and dozens of companies."
He's pretty well known on HN. "Hacker-News-famous", you could say.
Among other things, he leads Storm (where I know his name from). It's a tool for processing unbounded streams of data (think Mappers and Reducers for Twitter Firehose-style datasets).