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Barack Obama posts a question on LinkedIn (linkedin.com)
12 points by jkush on Sept 12, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Too bad LinkedIn doesn't seem to allow users to mod up the better responses, there is too much noise there.

I think this is an interesting use of the answers service as a marketing tool - but also for market research. Who knows if Obama is actually going to read the answers, but you can't say he didn't ask.

Nice to see some (positive) focus on tech entrepreneurship from a Presidential candidate. I hope this thread doesn't devolve into a discussion of the merits of the candidates though. (comment copied from my now-dead dupe submission of this same topic)

What's also interesting about the post, along with other news of B. Obama on social news sites is that he seems to get the new media. It's often repeated that the presidents that win are the ones that understand the power of the new media (i.e. Nixon lost in that debate when TV first came on board), and know how to utilize it.

He's got some advisor or campaign manager that knows what's going on here.

Just like Howard Dean.

But four years makes a big difference.

I agree with you. It would be really interesting to turn the tables. How about having users post one question they would like to ask Obama and then collectively vote on the one they like the most?

Fred Thompson is doing something similar -- he asked a few bloggers for their best questions for him. There are actually a few substantive questions -- http://volokh.com/posts/1189206799.shtml . I don't think normal candidates want to talk about Federalism and Campaign Finance Reform.

My answer: "This one is simple: if anything, make sure that net neutrality remains intact. If net neutrality has bitten the dust by the time the next president takes office, I hope he or brings it back."

What can the government ever do?

1) Generally, do nothing and so cause no harm.

2) Specifically, subsidize a particular business, and so do harm that is beneficial to said business.

3) Regulate natural monopolies. (viz, there is only one shortest distance between two points, and so that is typically where the highway has to go.)

4) Regulate natural commons. (viz, prevent toxic waste dumping, radio wave jamming, etc.)

Only #2 is a serious vote getter.

Wow, beyond Facebook and YouTube, this has to be the first major use of the social-networking website towards a targeted group of constituents. Could more creative social-networking campaigning be coming? What would it be?

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