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How are any of these (except maybe the autoplay) due to HTML5?

They aren't, it's just link bait. Every single one of these can be (and are) done with 'HTML4.x'.

Next week it will be because of Javascript or jQuery or the color of the Moon on alternate Thursdays.

I agree, this is not due to HTML5 but poor design in some cases.

Replace "HTML5" with "increasing use of facny JavaScript and CSS3". It's just a generalization for the benefit of the semi-technical.

Personally I consider even the buzzword a misnomer: http://yuhongbao.blogspot.ca/2012/07/why-html5-buzzword-is-m...

"Images Used for Text," "Contrast Fail," "Mystery Meat Icons," "Missing Pages," and "Tiny Fonts" all have nothing to do with JS or CSS3, it's simply a very poorly named article.

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