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Book Review - 'Intelligence and How to Get It,' by Richard E. Nisbett (nytimes.com)
15 points by robg on March 28, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Good review of a good book. The author, Nisbett, is very meticulous about citing primary research sources in his book, even though it is written for a popular readership.

Another good book on closely related topics is What Intelligence Tests Miss by Keith Stanovich.



"Success in life depends on intelligence, which is measured by I.Q. tests."

What happened to emotional intelligence? Aren't there studies that show that this is at least as important to success in life?

That articles requires a login.Any other versions? Thanks!

There are a few ways to get around nytimes.com logins. My favorite is setting my referrer to google.com. Runner-up is BugMeNot.

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