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Mess up in what sense? Selection seems to work reasonably on that text for me in Firefox....

It's displayed with boxes here, not the actual zalgo text (although I can paste it somewhere and looks correctly there), although my encoding is set to UTF and I can't select single boxes. The whole page kept blinking, but this was another issue (the layout of the comments, when I went over some borders it kept selecting and deselecting the whole page which caused it to blink).

Huh. Is that in Firefox? On what OS?

Chrome on Windows 7 with U.S. English regional settings... As boring a setup as it gets!

Sounds like a possible WebKit bug, then, to be honest...

Same here. Displays and able to select it quite alright. (Ubuntu 12.10, Firefox 21)

Although searching for the same text results in Google telling me this:

  414. That's an error.

  The requested URL /... is too large to process. That’s all we know.

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