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Michael Robertson, founder of MP3.com, Lindows/Linspire, etc. I had been in the press for the release of PyMusique (open source client for the iTunes Music Store, which didn't apply DRM (it was done client-side, and in fact still is)) and he saw one of the articles. He sent me the following email:

> Cody,

> I really admire what you're doing. I am the founder and former CEO of MP3.com. I'm not anti-DRM, but I am pro-consumer. I recently launched MP3tunes.com, a MP3 only store which also includes a locker so you can sync to many devices. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. You might also be interested in MP3beamer. See: http://www.mp3beamer.com

> Keep up the good work.

> -- MR

I told him how much it meant to me to receive the email, and that the thing I really needed to continue the work was an IDA Pro license; I had one a few days later! Shortly thereafter, he contracted me to build hooks into iTunes to display the MP3tunes store, and other functionality like that. Flew me out to San Diego (my first time on a plane, from a tiny little farming town in the middle of nowhere in PA), took me to the deviantArt summit, etc. I can't overstate how important all this was to me.

He took a chance on me, and I ended up working my ass off for him for about two years before starting my own company and moving on. I was 17 -- I could've been a one-hit wonder, or I could've not fit with the team, or any number of other things. While MR and I are not on good terms these days, I owe my success in large part to him; for that I'll be forever grateful.

I hope I can pay the favor forward some day.

Awesome! He's great at responding to emails if you have an actual question/comment. While I don't agree with all of his politics, he has very interesting opinions that he shares on Twitter and in interviews. In terms of tech, he has great advice. His interviews on This Week in Startups and This Week in Venture Capital are some of my favorite episodes of both podcasts.

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