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Article mentions dot matrix printers.. I've thought a few times that if there was an easy way to get a daisy wheel printer I would. There are situations where it would be neat to be able to set one up as a permanent record and as a fax substitute. I have multiple homes, and it would be an easy way to send a message to non-technical people living in the houses that I have servers sitting in where I might be in another country for years at a time.

In this book (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cuckoo%27s_Egg_(book)), Stoll talks about hooking up unix terminals to daisy wheel printers so he can review input later on.

Why would you use a daisy wheel and not an inkjet or laserjet?

I used to have a daisy-wheel back in the day, and the thing sounded like a machine-gun. I can't say I miss it (although the print quality was nice.)

The answer was right in the article -- tractor feed paper. 10s of thousands of pages without having to refill a tray.

In that case, a dot-matrix would do as well as a daisy-wheel.

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