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Clozure Common Lisp in the Mac App Store (itunes.apple.com)
70 points by coldtea on March 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Since this is completely relevant I don't feel terrible at all about pimping my essay about the Bridge between Emacs, Clozure CL, and the Apple Foundation Framework.


Thanks for writing this fairly exhaustive walk through. No need to feel terrible.

Can we please get some variety in the word "Closure"? This is kind of getting out of hand:

Closure (the construct)

Closure (Google's thing)

Clojure (lisp dialect)

ClojureScript (converts Clojure to JS)

Clozure CL (another lisp dialect)

Every single time I say one of these out loud, I have to explain myself. Ugh.

Clozure Associates was established in 2000, well before any similarly named product.

In fairness, though, ClozureCL was OpenMCL until 2007, the same year Clojure came out. So Rich Hickey and Clozure probably each had no idea that the other was about to name a Lisp almost the exact sam thing.

> Closure (the construct)

Of course, if we wanna, we can start getting confused right here. http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-15.html...

(also also, http://www.4clojure.com/ and the "So wait, I can't buy cheap real estate here?" part :)

ClojureScript convertes a subset of clojure to google closure javascript which then gets compiled.

Is "Google Closure JavaScript" really a thing? I thought Closure operated on normal JavaScript.

Google Closure is a JavaScript library and compiler: https://developers.google.com/closure/ && https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler

Yeah. That one is particularly annoying.

Yeah, the whole IT concepts naming story really lacks narrative closure (http://oxfordindex.oup.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.2011080...).

> Can we please get some variety in the word "Closure"?

Or we could just agree not to use the name for programming things any more. Thus getting, you know, closure. :-)

ClozureCL has been on the App store for a while now. I first downloaded it when I came across this comment on HN a year ago - http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3688043

Is it conceivable that one could ever play old school Abuse on a modern OS X machine?


I'm not sure if it counts as "old school" for your tastes, but you can totally install Abuse with homebrew, apparently:


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