Wait, this is an official Apple api to add additional networks to Messages? I'm surprised it exists. And even more surprised I haven't heard about it until now.
Two years old. Woah. This is very interesting. I feel silly for asking but does anybody know if this sort of thing is possible for the iOS Messages? (Probably not, but since this exists I don't know what to think anymore)
When Apple announced this framework back then at WWDC they showed a cool sample plugin: The plugin would receive a message, feed it through ELIZA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA) to create a response message. The demo ended with two iMessage instances chatting to each other and both used ELIZA. :)
Thanks, Steve.
Really insightful integration of the best new API's in APP.net into a mainstream app. Many of APP.net's API's are truly superior, a jewel in the rough.
I agree that it's even better than Apparchy - the best hack at last Oct's hackathon.
It's devs like you (and others) which belie APP.net's long-term strength and genius.
> http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/AppleA...
Two years old. Woah. This is very interesting. I feel silly for asking but does anybody know if this sort of thing is possible for the iOS Messages? (Probably not, but since this exists I don't know what to think anymore)
OP where's the source to Project Amy?