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I have been using CDNs since I was a very small business (CacheFly, EdgeCast, and now CDNetworks), and if you are seriously using CloudFlare because you haven't even tried setting up a phone call with Akamai due to some kind of mental aversion, you are doing your business a disservice. (I mean, seriously: is the 20 minutes you might waste really that valuable? What's the harm... it might even go well!)

Service sales 101 - if a business model contains manually/individually quoting every potential customer, then your prices cannot possibly be reasonably low, as your sales model requires enterprise-level prices to pay for your salesmen.

It's not that I can't spend 20 minutes on call - but if your customer acquisition costs involve at least 20 minutes of salesman-time per a possible lead (thus, at least 200 minutes of salesman-time for even the smallest sign-up), then I'm very sure that whatever number they will quote - that number will not be something that I can or want to afford. Let them pester some 'enterprises' with that.

Again, I have been using CDNs for a while now, including one that is much larger than CloudFlare (CDNetworks), and on various occasions I have talked with Akamai to get quotes. In my book, CloudFlare reams medium-sized companies on price, and they can do that precisely because people such as yourself have miscalibrated your "I'm getting screwed" detector. (The same is true of Amazon CloudFront, btw.) In essence, once you realize people have this algorithm (specifically, where they don't even bother calling a sales person) it is trivial to exploit you by quoting a large price that you will never do comparison on (and then, rather than compete on price, you end up competing on a ton of questionable value-adds, and do price discrimination on things like 24/7 support).

Well, I'd notice if I'm getting any invoices worthwhile to haggle about? If I'm paying $200 per month then would Akamai even bother to give me a quote? And if I'm paying $20.000/yr for anything, then sure, it's good business sense for a medium business to reconsider suppliers at least yearly even if you're very happy with the current one - just to shop around and verify prices.

If you are at the "I don't need 24/7 support" level, then sure: you might need to use something like CloudFlare ;P.

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