I work as a skydiving instructors and had a similar experience. A group of deaf college age students came in to skydive and I was paired with one of them on a tandem skydive. Generally we have about five minutes to gear up and train our students when it is busy (as it was that day).
During a lull I wrote up a quick briefing of everything I would usually say and go over on my laptop. When it came time to jump I greeted the student, smiled and then had them read the text while I geared them up. Them I made a big show of pantomiming everything we'd be doing while we laughed and conversed on the laptop.
During a lull I wrote up a quick briefing of everything I would usually say and go over on my laptop. When it came time to jump I greeted the student, smiled and then had them read the text while I geared them up. Them I made a big show of pantomiming everything we'd be doing while we laughed and conversed on the laptop.
It was a lot of fun :)