Parent is clearly missing the forest for the trees.
Lets not talk about cs for a second- say you are a mason and you want your kid in the construction business. He says- so what have you done with masonry?
So you say- I built the house in the next block. I built the bathroom for the petersons...bedroom for the smiths...closet for your mommy...stepstool for your granny... this shit isn't going to fly even though you are 100% honest.
It isn't about what you have done in your particular pathetic life due to circumstances peculiar to your economy. It is about what can be done.
So you should take your kid to the Golden gate bridge. Sears tower. Central station. This was built by masons ! And this!! And this!!! Then you don't need to sell masonry... the kid will be starstruck and learn on his own.
Kamaal chose to dispense with the pomp and ceremony and abandon razzledazzle for brass tacks. Here let me teach you C programming with preprocesser directives and predicates and for loops and pointers- I would have run for the hills! Even though I was as old as his niece, I had written some 5k loc in C purely self taught to make pixels flock...weird infatuation with cgi at that age. Because somebody had told me star wars and tron were made on a computer by people just like me- so I took that literally and ran with it. I was not a genius...just another driven kid who didn't give a flying fuck about hash include stdio and mallocs as long as he could make pixels fly. Inspire, don't preach.