Everyone seems to be busy building MVPs in a weekend or in few months of time, and thats great as new technologies allow us to build much faster than even 10 years ago. But I want to know with that mentality and short time spans, what kind of stuff we avoid building simply because it would take years to make and has high opportunity costs for a single developer.
So as a hacker or an entrepreneur what product would you create if you have 5 years of time if you were sure you can not fail ?
to put differently, What are the tough problems you think we need to solve but you simply don't have that much time or resources to do it?
a new Mobile OS? file system? new language? what could it be?
EDIT: From the many comments, its interesting to note that some of the ideas are borderline science fiction! Amazing to know what a mere 5 year timescale allow human mind to think up.
Systems for targeting chronically disabled and introducing them to services they qualify for in the state. Introducing disabled to technology.
Background: My mother was born with cerebral palsy. Other than a $500/mo check, medicaid and $30 in foodstamps, she has not received any other services until 13Q1. I finally signed her up for meals on wheels and getting her cleaning services, etc, from the state. This was always available to her at no cost, but she had no clue.
My mother also has an IQ of 120 that is going to waste as she sits at home alone, many states away. Rather than going insane from loneliness, she could at least mechanical turk it up in her living room... beats talking to cats.