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Sigh, not this sh*t again.

Yahoo's problem is (and always has been for quite a while) bad middle-management. (See my earlier posts; like Punxsatawney Phil, I come out only on occasion). These middle MF'ers have been running the company into the ground with their lack of vision, petty infighting and sheer idiocy. This has led to MM and her cohorts to basically not trust the lower half of the company.

So the rank-and-file are paying the price for MM's inability to weed out the rotten layer of middle managers.

Instead of cracking down on the WFH crowd, she should crack down on middle managers.

1. Get rid of any manager who has less than 8 direct reports

2. Anyone of the level 'director' or above must justify their positions (there has been severe rank inflation in Yahoo in the past)

3. Anyone who has been at Yahoo for more than 2 years and in a position of authority must be forced to analyze why their property declined over that period, and what they could have done to avoid it. There is too much of 'shoot and scoot' at Yahoo: managers jump on any hot item, botch it up and then move on

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