Yes - realistic employees are the worst - they are so unexploitable!
What companies really need are wide-eyed, earnest, new college grads who have no idea what goes on in the real world, and how much they are truly being screwed by their current startup.
Those guys rock! They work 100+ hour weeks, they don't have families, or commitments and are willing to do it all for mere peanuts and empty promises of golden rainbows!
Sadly - a few years of this turns them into realistic employees - and you need a whole new batch to replace them.
Honest question: do you believe there any job where you are not being screwed? And do you believe you are an above average employee, or that you could be a founder yourself (as it's just like getting in on Manhattan early)?
If so, why not work in that job (rather than at a startup)? Or why not found a startup (rather than be an employee)?
Any job with monopoly pricing protections - a doctor or engineer at large established firms fit the bill. Once you have monopoly pricing - you are no longer the one being screwed, but rather the one doing the screwing.
Do I think I'm above average? Depends on what you mean by average.
There are zero barriers to entry in becoming a founder - so yes I'm founder material. As is everyone else. The question that actually needs to be asked is: How lucky can one get?
I know several doctors and they all complain about how they are getting screwed--by the trial lawyers, the insurance companies, the hospital, the government, etc.
This may just be a situation where the grass looks greener.
What companies really need are wide-eyed, earnest, new college grads who have no idea what goes on in the real world, and how much they are truly being screwed by their current startup.
Those guys rock! They work 100+ hour weeks, they don't have families, or commitments and are willing to do it all for mere peanuts and empty promises of golden rainbows!
Sadly - a few years of this turns them into realistic employees - and you need a whole new batch to replace them.