>And they charge $5 per month, so
>the sustainability is more clear.
In 1996, Geocities began offering a deal: pay $4.95 a month and no ads will be shown on your site, and you get to use your own domain for your website. I signed up immediately. 3 year later, Geocities was acquired by Yahoo. 10 years later, Geocities was closed:
There is nothing really permanent about any of these services. Ma Bell may have offered a reliable phone service for almost 100 years, but in the era of the Internet the half-life of consumer sites tends to be much shorter.
Both 2 and 3 are certainly in the plans. How could we not have an API? And custom domains?
Brett and I have discussed #1 and it's an option we want to keep on the table. First priority is to build and create a great hosted experience, however.
That's good to hear. You would be surprised how many services (even new) don't have public APis. I didn't see it mentioned on the site which is why I assumed it didn't exist.
By custom domains I mean user supplied top level domains. Definitely have a read on how we view URL permanence [1]. I wish more sites thought about it and glad you already are.
I've talked to Garry and Brett about Post Haven and they are genuinely committed to making this work as they pledge on the website.