Aha, when I first posted my comment a few days ago the site didn't seem to have that feature of putting the hex colors in the URL. It's perfect now, you can share links. Exactly what I wanted!
Devin (hailpixel) was my TA for one of my classes at Georgia Tech. He has some other really cool stuff on the labs portion of his website http://lab.hailpixel.com/
Can I just reiterate, I didn't make this, this isn't a Show HN - just thought it was great and posted it here. Looking at the site, it looks like http://twitter.com/hailpixel is responsible - best direct questions and comments at him :-)
That's like saying Goodfellas was copied from Godfather II. Yeah, they both had De Niro and kinda dealt with the same themes, but they're totally different.
haha, good point. Anyway I just remembered this one as soon as I saw hailpixel. I like hailpixel too, here some thoughts about it:
- copy code to clipboard
- edit previous selected colors
This is damn cool. Im just curious as to why the developer, and a lot of developers, dont fully utilize css to handle positioning? Example, when the window resizes, some JS runs. If the colors' containers were percentage-based, the percentage would only need to change when one is added or removed, not when the window is resized. It makes me feel like people dont fully understand how to make certain layouts work without JS (I'm sure this dev does).
That is a much smarter way of doing it! This was a weekend hack that I threw together. If I readdress the app, I'll probably rewrite the layout to work that way. Thanks for the suggestion!
I try to approach layout with css being "~free" and JS having a substantially higher cost. Not saying that I dont use JS to assist in laying things out, I just look for a css-first solution
This is just amazing. I'm going to use this next time I have to design an app. I've always used photoshop to choose what colors I should use in a project and I always end up playing with it for hours, not because I like it, but because I can never find the right colors. With your tool I instantly see what I need!
Cool idea. I really love to concept for being able to pick various colors and see how they work together. One nice feature would be to be able to adjust a color once it has been added to the palette so you can further refine your selections without adding new ones and removing the old ones. But that is a minor thing.
I am getting a scroll bar that doesn't seem necessary. And it acts in a nonsensical manner. When scrolled all the way up, the upper left corner is #000000 and the lower right corner is #FCFCFC. If I scroll all the way down, my lower right corner gets to #FFFAFB and never reaches #FFFFFF. Plus, while scrolled all the way down, the top left is still #000000.
How about always using the whole screen for color selection, instead of the area of the currently selected color? This way a certain color will always be in the same spot on the screen, regardless of how many colors you created, and you can make several variations of a color more easily.
True? We've gone from requiring a browser plugin to requiring an iOS tablet in your examples? leeoniya is correct, this is not as useful as Kuler, despite being an interesting concept. Requiring particular software (Flash, iOS, Windows, HTML5, etc) does not make a tool less useful; perhaps less accessible to some. I'll wager that even this experiment doesn't work on all browsers like Kuler does.
"We've gone from requiring a browser plugin to requiring an iOS tablet in your examples?"
iOS is one of the major platforms that has no Flash support. That's why I listed alternatives to Kuler for iOS. I wasn't suggesting you should get a tablet just to create color palettes.
"I'll wager that even this experiment doesn't work on all browsers like Kuler does."
Kuler doesn't, that's the problem. It requires the Flash plugin, which isn't available for all browsers (let's not even discuss performance, stability or security).