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How To Stay Organized Like a CEO (westonludeke.com)
4 points by weston on Feb 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Between running a business, going to college, and being a D1 athlete, I have a lot to do in very little time. I've developed what I think is a simple and very effective system. If I want a high level view of deadlines, I click on a calendar button in my menu bar and see a red dot on every day something is due. I hover over it for details. I can also click a tasks button on my menubar which is google tasks synced with my iPhone. When I think of something to add to it, I can just type it into my phone and see it on the list later.

To set this up:

http://fluidapp.com/ for pinning webpages to the menubar (~$5 to buy the version that pins to the menubar). In this case, this is "https://mail.google.com/tasks/ig

GeeTasks app for iPhone.

Calendar app for Mac.

I'm a big fan of Asana! I actually just discovered it last week. Great article.

Rather vapid/no content article I thought. "Like a CEO" with no reference to why CEO's must, or do (based on the recommendations) use Google Tasks and Asana.

One would think an article based on a CEOs level of function would focus primarily on prioritization and delegation.

This article is sort-of focusing on Sales oriented roles, which barely makes reference to delegation at all.

Edit: the only organizational tips is: Google Tasks for personal, Asana for work (two work-flow task programs to stay organized?). Use Asana for projects.

Hey Salem, thanks for the blunt feedback! I certainly appreciate it.

I wrote this more to focus specifically on how to organize one's work. I agree that delegation is important, but I would consider delegation another topic in itself (how to delegate, whom to delegate to, what to delegate, etc.)

This isn't about delegating, but some quick tips on how to organize the work that you need to do yourself.

Yes, I use two separate programs because I have two separate uses. I need much more detail for work than I do for personal use. Of course, a reader can pick and choose what works for them. :-)

Thanks! Asana has certainly helped my productivity since I started to use it.

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