What are the appropriately open / stripped down alternatives? I don't need a social network (or even 10s update rates), just a cloud that knows what I've already read.
NewsBlur is an open source alternative that's worked great for me over the past year or so. Even if GR isn't destined to be shut down, NewsBlur's worth the switch just for the Intelligence feature.
That would drive me crazy. RSS might not be the perfect technology, but for someone like me, who likes to skim headlines and brief summaries throughout the day, it's a great way to keep everything organized. I don't want all of my RSS feed to be social.
IMO RSS is one of the backbones of the social net. There are a lot of people out there that pull content into the social networks from their rss stream.
There is also this: From my experience, social networks as they exist today are totally useless for keeping up with a large number of information sources. It is just impossible to keep things sorted. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
BTW, I read this story on Google Reader, fwiw.