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Meteor sounded like a really good concept and I wanted to give it a decent shot. However I could not find a getting started project. The ones I found were very trivial and did not go much into details. I couldnt really find a lot of documentation about how to create an app which used 40-50% of the features which will be used by the majority of the crowd. But I will give it another shot and probably write a polls app (ala Django getting started) in meteor.

   meteor create --list
Personally, I think the `parties` example is a good one, so you can do:

   meteor create --example parties

The parties examples only uses a static map (lame), they make no use of google maps or leaflets. Try using an infoWindow. You can't, it's not easy. You're productive will be stone walled with the simplest of integration. (This is a limit of constant regions and how meteor handles controlling a piece of the dom). Working with maps or third party libraries is a common task.

So, given that common tasks become stone walled and meteor promises productive. I'm waiting for 1.0, meteor is all too young.

I do love some parts of the pattern. I'm surprised that it hasn't been done before; like years ago.

As much as I dislike the whiny tone of your comment, you have a point: Meteor has problems integrating with some libraries. If a smart-package doesn't exist for it, the odds of it working are slim. (Try getting jquery ui to work...)

Part of this is because the Meteor use of reactive programming is very different.

Regarding the whining: projects like this take time and effort to create. Wanting something "a year ago" ignores the reality that this is what we have now, and for all it's warts, it's good!

Lots of non-standard packages here which are easily added like "mrt add jquery-ui"


It is also possible that while Meteor gets to 1.0 other frameworks will incorporate some of its features/patterns.. I'd check it from time to time just to know what it is doing...

Thanks a lot. Checking the code now.

A handful of really great Meteor.js screencasts, here: http://www.eventedmind.com/

Have you seen Telescope? http://telesc.pe

It's basically an open-source HN clone built with Meteor, it's a good place to get an overview of the various features you need to build a useful app.

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