> The latest bug on the public tracker is bug number 174163. Chrome was released in late 2008, so let's round up and say the tracker's been up for five years. That's averaging nearly 35k bugs a year, or 95 a day, and in reality the rate was slower in the early years so it's much faster than that now.
That honestly doesn't sound too scary. I did QA for Opera for a few years, and triaging (for specific platforms, at least) is remarkably quick after a while. A glance and a quick test on two platforms should let you toss a bug in either of four bins:
a) WFM/invalid/bullshit
b) Duplicate (it's scary how many bug id's you remember after a while)
c) Likely a core/cross-platform problem (somebody else's problem)
d) Worthy of further investigation
Provided that you have some sort of bucket in which to toss the cross-platform/core bugs, only the bugs in category d should take longer than a couple of minutes each to triage. Some would argue that bugs in category d are already triaged at that point and should be put in some ANALYZE bucket.
I think the real problem is that any talented ambitious employee that spends enough 40-hour weeks to get good at bug triaging is going to want to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. The work is close to data entry in its rewardishness.
That's definitely true. It's important to spread the workload over an optimal number of employees so they do enough triaging to stay in the loop, but not enough to get sick and tired of it. A delicate balance. It's an important chore, though.
That honestly doesn't sound too scary. I did QA for Opera for a few years, and triaging (for specific platforms, at least) is remarkably quick after a while. A glance and a quick test on two platforms should let you toss a bug in either of four bins:
a) WFM/invalid/bullshit
b) Duplicate (it's scary how many bug id's you remember after a while)
c) Likely a core/cross-platform problem (somebody else's problem)
d) Worthy of further investigation
Provided that you have some sort of bucket in which to toss the cross-platform/core bugs, only the bugs in category d should take longer than a couple of minutes each to triage. Some would argue that bugs in category d are already triaged at that point and should be put in some ANALYZE bucket.