Any advice on how to make these 3 tools work together? I scanned the web and experimented today for approx 1 hour but didn't succeed. My general efforts were: (i) injecting clink into the Console2 process (ii) hosting the injected cmd process in Console2.
I actually did nothing special, I just installed clink as executable. Tested it in cmd.exe (you will get the message about running clink). Afterwards added a tab for cmd.exe in console2 and it worked.
Whas seems to be a problem for you?
Hi, thanks for the info. The initial difference is that I cannot use the installer due to Windows group policies associated with my account (the PC is not mine to administer). So I've downloaded and extracted the v0.3 zip archive.
I manually start clink by running "install_dir\clink inject" in a cmd session and this procedure works correctly. Problems arise when running the same command in a cmd session in Console2. The Console2 process disappears (crashes?) after approx 1 sec, then 10s later the clink executable disappears. Strange behaviour and I may simply drop this and perhaps try again in future once the tool(s) have matured.
I hadn't used either Console2 or clink before now; I can get by without them as I'm not a rabid user of the Windows command line. I'll likely casually experiment with them separately.