Actually, look at what you're saying. When did I mention anything about race? I am saying that I don't think this would work on a massive scale because it would destabilize ecosystems, but when used in smaller areas that wouldn't be a risk.
When you mentioned malaria. Its a disease that white people don't get, largely because we eliminated it in our countries prior to getting religion on that environmentalism thing. After that, we collectively decided that while our kids were worth cracking a few eggs to make an omlette, African kids were not.
Take a look at this graph here, particularly the one in the top left corner:
That shaded land mass, 60% of the continental US? That used to be Malaria Country. In 2009, there isn't a spec of the US that is Malaria Country. The reason: we bombed the shit out of the mosquitoes, pure and simple, and we kept doing it until malaria wasn't a problem anymore. If there was a malaria flareup in a US suburb this year, we would do a bit of obligatory handwriting and then promptly bomb the shit out of it.
(You think we'd make white people put up with expensive, ineffective countermeasures like treated crib nets? I'd like to hear that planning meeting: "Well, we've run the numbers, and have decided that by spending a few million on bed nets, crib nets, and outdoor abatement programs, only about five of your kids, plus or minus three or so, will die in the next year due to malaria in our township. Remember to be really conscientious about putting up your nets -- not that they're going to save everyone, because they can't, but remembering the nets every night gives your child the maximum chance of survival until the school year starts. Why don't we just bomb the shit out of the bugs, you ask? Oh, well, we considered doing that but are concerned the local birdwatchers will be upset.")
Over a million African children died last year of malaria. Five hundred million people caught the disease. But when it is Africans dying, and not us, then we get all sorts of picky about how much ecological damage is being done.
(Incidentally, not much. But given the choice between 1 million Africans a year and Very Bad Environmental Things that presumably happened in the US between 1880 and 1950 when we were spraying DDT like it was going out of style, I think we have a moral imperative to choose Very Bad Environmental Things.)
This isn't 4chan.