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Great writeup. I have a whiteboard in my bedroom so I can visualize ideas. There's something about putting it on the white space that makes them easier to edit and play with.

With loose blank A4 pages and a pencil you don't have to stand up. In my experience, it works better if it's paper printed on the other side picked from the recycle bin.

I find for brainstorming with myself, regular paper (or and roll 11" wide - I found a few for free and they last FOREVER)is best, but with a bunch of people the whiteboard works better.

I am somewhat hampered on the whiteboard by my incredible lack of drawing ability, but it still works out.

I have been contemplating this. I use your method, including the part where the paper has printing on the other side! And I agree: I don't like the part where I would have to stand up to use the whiteboard.

But the erasing part is great, as is the enormous amount of real estate that a big whiteboard gives you.

I've been thinking of trying arrays of index cards and/or post-it notes taped to the desk. But I'm afraid it would cause my thoughts to shape themselves to the contours of tiny little boxes.

I may also give up and create a desk covered in white melamine.

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