It looks like the Skilled class still requires a letter of arranged employment[1]
It's crazy, because my brother easily meets the 67 points required, but without arranged employment he can't even apply. (I was the same, and ended up being sponsored by the province of Yukon through my employer.. which took over year)
EDIT: The whole thing is so confusing.
Says you must have a letter of arranged employment before you can even apply... then a bit further down it says that's one of the 6 selection factors and you can get up to 15 points for it.
I just filled out the online self-assessment as my brother and got 68 points without arranged employment. Can he apply or not?
EDIT2: Just spoke to CIC - it doesn't matter if you get 150 points, if you are not in the PhD stream, or the arranged employment stream, you can not apply. Fullstop.