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I was doing something similar but end it up ditching the whole thing since I'm running CS6 on Wine without any problems (except a buggy lasso tool): https://gist.github.com/4610671

It checks for the VM state and waits the system to be ready, so you can turn off the vm if you want. Feel free to adapt to your needs.

Do you have tablet pressure in CS6? Photoshop has run under Wine for years, although tablet pressure hasn't worked since CS2 AFAIK.

I don't own a drawing tablet, sorry. And yeah I know: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application...

I would be more interested in learning how you used CS6 on Wine!

Windows XP, atmlib, comctl32, gdiplus (native), ie6, msls31, msxml3 (native), msxml6, pngfilt, vcrun2005, vcrun2008, vcrun2010, inseng (native)

When you're installing it will say it's not working...but check the HDD light because it's actually installing files so when it stops blinking your installation is ready.

Oh wow, that's a lot of dependencies. I'll give it a shot, thanks!

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