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token_type or lexical_type would make more sense to me. On top of defined? not returning a boolean, it has other confusing semantics. In particular, it's the only keyword I can think of that appears to exhibit call-by-name semantics. I don't know if this is just a special parser case, but it doesn't evaluate your arguments despite looking like a method call. So the return value can be doubly confusing.

It's a special parser case. The reason is that defined? may be followed by an uninitialized constant:

  jruby-1.6.8 :089 > defined? Foo::Bar
   => nil 
  jruby-1.6.8 :090 > Foo::Bar
  NameError: uninitialized constant Foo::Bar
You don't want the argument to be evaluated because that could raise a NameError. It's actually an operator.

Thanks for the clarification. I was recently surprised by the return value when:

z = x.y

z == x.y # => true

defined?(z) == defined?(x.y) # => false

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