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Who were his enemies? I'm interested. Do you think the US justice dept was acting as an organ of these would-be tamers?

Aaron was founder of Demand Progress, organization that actually fought laws like PIPA/SOPA, and many other things, and the laws didn't pass.

This is a list of campaigns by Demand Progress: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_Progress#Campaigns

If you think US Attys prosecute people because they organize peacefully against copyright laws, you're living in a different world from the real one.

USA requested the extradition of a young student[1] from UK over copyright laws, for sharing links. UK Home Secretary approved the order and the outrage ran the world. Without the attention the story got that young student would be in an American jail today.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_O%27Dwyer

Check out Aarons involvement in setting the PACER data free.

Look, I guess you have no reason to believe me, but this is just not how the US government works. There's no staffer in the Administrative Office of the courts who's upset at Aaron and tells the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts to throw the book at him.

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