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Being a private person i just shudder when hearing concepts about face recognition or auto tweets in this context.

^ "Have an alternate reality game with digital objects people can place/write on. Only Glass users can see the teddy bear in the corner, and only google glass users can see the giant graffiti wall where people sign their name."

I am sorry since for some this will not be considered as being a constructive contribution to the discussion, but there is an Anime out there about exactly(!) that. It's called Dennou Coil. Very good series. [Sorry, i just had to mention it! Forgive me.]

Hey, no need to apologize. It's relevant to the topic at hand and you've just given me, and quite likely some other folks, a series to check out. That's hardly something worth apologizing over :)

This would work well with the images from that bad movie 13 Ghosts (2001 version). The movie wasn't that good, but the depictions of the ghosts which were only viewable with special glasses, was very well done.

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