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Several things I've learned from studying nutrition lately:

1. The rabbit hole is deep. What's "healthy" depends how far you want to go down.

2. We don't know know how to eat healthy, just healthier. And what's healthier depends on the resolution you're looking at the body. Also you're particular goals and biology.

3. There's still a lot of conflict about basic things.

4. My old sense of black and white, bad foods and good foods, got destroyed; it wasn't nuanced.

For instance, even spinach and flaxseed contain cyanide [1]. Though not enough to kill you, in extremes they could. That was shocking, and just one example.

With eating and sleeping consider leptin levels. [2][3][4] Some people, because of obesity and overweightedness, in the long-term especially, have awkward leptin sensitivity. Also there are individual differences in genes and gene expression, or overall biology. And exercise factors too.

And that's just one hormone. You add insulin and how that reacts with leptin, and how that's effected by macro-nutrient balance, et cetera. At best I consider myself an intermediate in nutritional knowledge, considering what we now know. The next step up from interpreting papers on PubMed is producing them.

[1] http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts8.html

[2] http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/89/11/5762

[3] http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-docum...

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