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> 2) The more the government runs our lives (especially something like health care), the more they will be able to dictate our choices (what we eat, risky behavior, etc).

I know I will be pushing for change towards less and not more freedom. It makes no sense that you have to pay for my reckless high-risk behavior such as jumping out of a second floor window "for shits and giggles".

Another thing in particular that I want to call out attention to is food. If I retarded enough to eat nothing but McDonalds every day for a year, why should you just not let me die? Why should you pay for my surgery? If you are going to pay for it, over time you will gravitate towards a "high-risk fee" on activities that are just plain dumb.

Let's increase taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, (and implement new ones on ecstacy, marijuana, and all drugs... I don't know how that's possible without legalization but there is no way I am paying for someone rehab for something that has not been taxed)

The idea is that nobody should have to pay for someone else's high risk activities. Over time, the high risk activities will become expensive enough. Money will be a driving force that will drive people towards a better lifestyle. Think about it. Money will be a force for good for once.

Just take McDonalds. People say McD is a cheaper to healthier food. If a McD meal is a dollar and causes a health maintenance fee of twenty dollars, what do we do? We tack that twenty dollars to the cost of the meal. Bam! The McDonalds meal is now $21. That $2.49 price tag on the celery at Aldi's is suddenly not so expensive by comparison.

Yes, there are downsides but if enough people are annoyed you will get real reform. Please don't do anything stupid like the last time when conservatives tried to "starve the beast"[1]. We have solid evidence that starve the beast does not work.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast

So certain people point guns at everybody else to extract money and pay for health care. It suddenly diminishes motivation to stay healthy and we need even more guns pointing to some other people so some third category of people would feel that motivation has been justly restored and everybody is moving towards brighter future.

And please don't even start with an argument that "you can go away if you don't like it". It is you, not me, have to prove that some people have a right to point a gun at us while we cannot do the same towards them. Either that, or there is no difference between initiation of force and self-defense, but then it does not prove why somebody has an exclusive right to use guns.

To those who are going to downvote me: are you able to come with a valid argument why it is me, not people with guns should prove a position before taking action?

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