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Why? Just because it's old does not mean it's bad. And unsupported is great for them - they don't have to spend resources supporting it!

Wouldn't the whole point be to impress people with CS2 so that they upgrade to a new version and Adobe gets paid? So... yeah, it needs to work and it needs at least basic support. If I download my "free" version of Photoshop and the installer crashes I am less likely to buy the new version.

A crippled version of the most current version of the software would make much more sense.

I think you're reaching too far - 7 year old, 4 versions obsolete software isn't even worth pirating today. This isn't an advertisement.

I disagree. CS2 could do almost everything I'm doing with PS today. To take even more extreme example, I would be pretty happy with MS Word 1997 if I never had to open new document formats introduced in the later versions. Yes, it's 15 years old and I don't even know how many versions obsolete.

It still seems to contain an unpatched code execution vulnerability from 2010, fixed in CS5 and up [1], I'd say that's "bad enough" to warrant not using it.

[1] : http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-30.ht...

They've also made Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 available for download. How many security holes does that have by now?

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