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Two Star Programming (wordaligned.org)
121 points by rix0r on Jan 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 63 comments

I don't see how Linus' version is better or more readable. By adding an indirection you have the equivalent of a dummy node, both ways are textbook examples of singly linked list deletion.

Note that you save no memory by not naming the implicit (in this implementation) dummy node. A pointer to a pointer remains a pointer to a pointer whether you name the intermediate pointer or not. Personally I think it's more readable to name it. Also, I prefer curr != NULL to simply putting *curr in a condition context. The compiler is going to do exactly the same.

I don't favour Linus' version because it's not readable. Most people who haven't seen this before will need to take some time to check this code. Out of the three basic ways of doing this I'd place this one dead last.

This is exactly what Linus was complaining about.

Your argument is like trying to claim that twenty lines of string munging is more readable than a straightforward regex. That's only true if you don't really get regular expressions.

If you understood pointers well enough, you would see Linus's version as more readable. The other one has so much more unnecessary fluff that makes it extra complicated and less readable. If you don't understand pointers well enough, and "haven't seen this before", of course you'll find it confusing.

Readability is in the eye of the beholder.

"If you understood pointers well enough, you would see Linus's version as more readable"

Sounds like an argument for not using C in the first place. If you need to understand pointers so well that the code presented in this article looks readable just to write a clean implementation of remove_if, your language is seriously lacking in expressiveness.

Data structures are best reasoned about abstractly. A linked list is either null or a pair [data, next] where next is a linked list. remove_if(list, fn) returns null if list is null; if list is [data, next], remove_if returns next if fn(data) is true, otherwise [data, remove_if(next)]. These definitions are much easier to understand than code with two levels of indirection; they are also easily restated as code, without requiring so many levels of pointers.

To put it another way, the shorter the transition between a natural language definition of a data structure/operation and the source code, the better. Since it is almost never the case that a natural definition will involve pointers, pointers should be used sparingly in an implementation. Pointers are unintuitive, easy to make mistakes with, and have been the source of most of the serious bugs we have dealt with over the past few decades; when I see the Linux kernel panic, it is usually because of a problem with a pointer.

I would rather see a few extra lines of code that show that a programmer took the time to think about what they were doing than a "clever trick" that is hard to reason about and which is probably hiding some subtle bug.

If you understood pointers well enough, you would see Linus's version as more readable.

I agree - and as someone who makes his living as a C programmer, I'm sure someone could easily come up with a terse piece of Ruby code that I would view as too clever, and therefore confusing, but which the vast majority of programmers on here would look at and think, "a beginner may be confused by this, but a competent Ruby programmer would not be."

I know some of this comes down to stylistic preferences, and likely some have had bad experiences maintaining code that went overboard with this sort of thing. But I also think that if these snippets of code were being discussed in a forum with a bias towards low-level development, rather than HN, which seems biased towards web development, you'd be seeing some very different responses.

That's the Perl school of thought that basically finished Perl as a language for big projects.

Personally, I have 20 years of C programming experience and I prefer to avoid clever tricks when they add no effective advantage. Making code shorter is not the end-all of programming.

Code is written for people to understand rather than for computers to execute (quoting Sussman). It's fine to strive for efficiency since we're talking about OS development here, but it's not the case in this bit of code really, is it?

What is more likely to confuse a maintainer, an extra level of indirection or an extra trivial "if"? However if you are committed to do all the maintenance yourself, then you can pick as you wish.

That's the Perl school of thought that basically finished Perl as a language for big projects.

It's a great point, and I hated Perl for this very reason. And I'm sure some of it is my defensiveness since this is how I program. But some of it is also my concern that it might signal, during an interview say, that the candidate might not really have a good grasp of pointers. For instance, given the following snippet of code, candidates that didn't really seem to grok pointers wouldn't see that the append() function could not be modifying the list in main():

  struct node {
    int val;
    struct node *next;

  static void append(struct node *list, int val);

  int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct node *list = NULL;

    append(list, 4);
And my preference for fixing such an implementation would be to change append to take a pointer-to-a-pointer:

  static void append(struct node **list,  int val);
with an implementation like:

  static void
  append(struct node **list, int val)
    struct node **ppn, *pn;

    if ( (pn = malloc(sizeof *pn)) == NULL) {

    pn->val = val;
    pn->next = NULL;

    for (ppn = list; *ppn; ppn = &(*ppn)->next)
        /* find tail */;

    *ppn = pn;
and update the call in main() to append(&list, 4).

But as I said, you make a good point, and I agree that your method is the safer of the two options from a maintainability point of view.

Both are relatively trivial. Trading an if for an indirection is not necessarily "better", it's an option.

As I said before, both ways are textbook basic singly linked list deletions. Linus' version does the dummy pointer implicitly. Generally doing things like that requires an extra moment to realise what's going on.

The smartass idea that "anything that is understandable is equally understandable" simply falls flat in the face of reality.

To claim one piece of code to be better than another you need a more scientific argument than "avoiding an if" if you add something else (an indirection) instead.

Just to step back for a moment, it's interesting that /include/linux/list.h in the Linux kernel is a bog-standard linked list implementation. There is nothing particularly clever about it.

Speaking of the word clever, I think some are clutching that a little too proudly. In this context it doesn't mean "more skilled" or "more efficient" or "technically better", it simply means doing something in a particular way because you think it is unique. There is little to no argument to be made in favour of the approach in the linked blog entry, but there are many potential risks with it, not least of which is that it adds one more potential misunderstanding by skilled practitioners. While I love pointers to bits, and love unmanaged, native code, there is a good reason why most environments now trying to reduce their usage, even with the bestest of the bestest developers manning the keyboards.

Obviously using safer languages makes sense where they're available, but if someone's going to use pointers I'd prefer they understand them. My argument in favour of the blog entry's approach is "It's easier to read [for me]".

The more variables and control branches I need to track, the harder it is to verify the code in my head. Obviously, there is such a thing as "clever" code, but I don't think this is it.

With one of my friends at the university we used to compete for a shorter/nicer implementation of each data structure in the algorithms class we were taking, and after using pointers-to-pointers in some previous cases (linked lists, binary search trees etc.) and each time ending up with an implementation I really liked, I tried to implement AVL trees[1] the same way, for example an AVL rotation would be done by a call like this:

  avl_tree_rotate(avl, &t->left->right->left, &t->left->right, &t->left, t->left->right);
Where avl_tree_rotate looked like this (avl_tree_update just recomputes the height after left or right branch height changes):

  static void avl_tree_rotate(avl avl, V **from, V **to, V **parent, V *child) {
    if(*from) (*from)->parent = *to   ? (*to)->parent   : NULL;
    if(*to)   (*to)->parent   = *from ? (*from)->parent : NULL;
    avl_tree_swap(avl, from, to);
    child->parent = (*parent)->parent;
      avl->root = child;
    else if((*parent)->parent->left == *parent)
      (*parent)->parent->left = child;
    else if((*parent)->parent->right == *parent)
      (*parent)->parent->right = child;
    (*parent)->parent = child;
    *from = *parent;
    avl_tree_update(avl, *parent);
    avl_tree_update(avl, child);
It was one of nicer programming workouts I ever got (the whole class was a great experience and I think every professional programmer should go through implementing all the basic data structures and algorithms in plain C one time), but I never managed to get deletion right, despite spending quite some hours on it, it just went beyond my head. Not that it matters for linked lists, and in this case I made it deliberately harder on myself, but I think the moral of the story is that when you are too clever with implementation details, you might run out of your cleverness when starting to deal with the actual problem domain.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree

> I think the moral of the story is that when you are too clever with implementation details, you might run out of your cleverness when starting to deal with the actual problem domain.

That reminded me of this quote: "Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?"


The corollary: code stoned, debug caffeinated, and document drunk.

But watch out for the Ballmer peak!

I had one particularly bad period of crunch time where I was trying to code a 3-month project in 4 weeks, all while learning a new language/framework.

One night, after several hours of being stuck I got sick of it and poured myself a rather large amount of bourbon. Now, I was rather naive when it came to alcohol. I thought the bourbon was 47 proof...turns out it was 47 percent.

All I know is that the next day, building maintenance reported hearing singing all through the night, two weeks of snacks were gone, and I woke up in the office at 7 AM, and I found some of the most beautiful and well-written code I'd ever seen, accomplishing about 3 weeks of work in one weird night.

A fibonacci heap (in almost any language) is also one I would recommend. Definitely the hardest single thing I remember doing in college.

The "two star" solution looks like it generates more memory traffic in the case of many deletions, and may run afoul of load-hit-store performance problems on some platforms, since the write to '*curr' in the remove case may still be in flight on its subsequent read and cause a pipeline stall.

Then again, the 'rm' predicate may dominate, or removes may be infrequent, and then who cares? Or your CPU may not care about LHS stalls (by virtue of being very whizzy, or just so terrible that the optimization doesn't matter).

Which is to say, measure and be prepared to be flexible rather than statically clever.

Yup, potential performance issues were the first things that came to my mind on seeing that code too. Plus, it's just silly to say that someone that just wrote a linked list doesn't understand pointers - pretty much by definition they do understand pointers, otherwise their linked list isn't going to work.

My personal rule of thumb concerning pointers is that two-stars should never be seen except in the case where you want a function to be able to modify a pointer that was passed in as a parameter. That's it. If I get handled a module that has two-stars in it under any other circumstance, I refactor it. I do this because:

a) lots of people find it difficult to thing about pointers to pointers (although I've never understood why empirically I note that this is the case).

b) Having to dereference two pointers to get to the information that you want is not just slow because of extra work needing to be done, but also because you've just increased the need for doing a page change in memory, which on some architectures can be surprisingly expensive.

Where does the double dereference come from in the second case? curr->next and (* curr) both perform a dereference. (If anything, (* curr) will be at least as efficient, if not more, because there's guaranteed to be no offset.)

(Does anybody know how you type an asterisk?)

Most CPU architectures offer special optimised instructions for grabbing data in a structure - it's done as an offset from the base pointer. A double star dereference can not benefit from this optimisation.

I think there are the same number of dereferences in both cases? One to fetch the next pointer, and one to update the previous next pointer if a removal is required.

You could probably make the second bit of code worse by not holding the value of star curr in entry.

* * curr

Unfortunately the spaces seem to be unavoidable.

> The "two star" solution looks like it generates more memory traffic in the case of many deletions.

It certainly shouldn't. There's no difference at an architectural level between keeping track of prev and keeping track of &prev->next (as should be obvious, because they differ by a constant offset): advancing in the list is just a pointer update via a load either way, and removing a link is just a store.

Since they do the same thing, the opportunity for an LHS stall may be avoided in either approach with a little care.

Before posting the above, I compiled both pieces of code and looked at the assembly output.

Load-hit-stores are one of those pernicious things that bite you a couple times, then you start noticing them. They are indeed "architectural" to a number of processors common in video game consoles, where cycle stealers get a lot of sunlight.

The specific code given in the blog post might encounter a LHS, but it's not endemic to that approach of doing linked-list manipulations via double pointers. They can be avoided just as easily using either approach.

The point I am attempting to make is that the double-pointer is very nearly just syntactic sugar that allows the programmer to avoid special-case handling. Semantically there is very little difference between the two approaches; if they are properly implemented, they perform the same memory operations in the same order, and there is no architectural hazard that is specific to one but not the other.

If you're using a linked list you've already lost the battle against lhs.

Unless I really need the performance, I avoid being "clever" when coding. The simple non-2 star example is going to be a lot faster for someone to understand, maintain and debug in the future.

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." --Brian Kernighan

Being clever when coding is one of the biggest headaches for long term maintenance unless you really really need that extra performance. I've had to do a bug hunt on a piece of code recently that was very, very clever but used all sorts language features that are marked 'use with caution' when a longer function with more simplicity would have worked as well.

Readability and maintainability trump developers showing how clever they are by far.

Whether it's faster or slower to understand depends on how well the reader is able to grasp abstraction and pointers. For some the latter code might be more readable since it has less special cases.

Came here to say the same thing. It would also result in more work for the original programmer, since they would be asked questions about how it works from other (non-2 star) programmers.

i had to write very similar code (deleting from a linked list) a couple of days ago. i wasn't the easiest code to write, and i needed several iterations before my tests were ok, but i remember feeling happy that the final result was clear and correct.

i just checked it and, yes, i used "two stars".

now i'm reading all the comments here, which are predominantly critical, calling this "clever" code. and it struck me just how lucky i am to work with decent programmers. where this kind of thing is considered quality work, not "showing off".

what i don't understand is why the other commenters here use pointers at all. couldn't you rewrite this to use arrays with integer indices? then you wouldn't need any stars (or very few), and it would be even "easier".

well, that's not true. i do understand. everyone thinks their own level is the correct one.

but still, i have sometimes been lucky enough to work with people who knew a lot more than i did. when i was in that position i didn't think they were "showing off". i thought they were awesome and tried to learn from them.

>it struck me just how lucky i am to work with decent programmers. where this kind of thing is considered quality work, not "showing off".

My rule of thumb is I can write “clever” code if I make sure it would be easy to debug for me or anyone else. This usually includes indented logging for anything complicated, good choice of variable names and plenty of debug assertions that would fail with a meaningful message if something went wrong.

When the deadline comes and you're dealing with an obscure bug in a clever code that looks right but is difficult to reason about, you'll be damning it.

"i had to write very similar code (deleting from a linked list) a couple of days ago. i wasn't the easiest code to write, and i needed several iterations before my tests were ok, but i remember feeling happy that the final result was clear and correct."

How was this not easy code to write? I imagine it would have looked like this, but in your language of choice:

  (defun remove-if (lst pred)
     (if (null lst)
         (if (funcall pred (first lst))
             (remove-if (rest lst) pred)
             (cons (first lst) (remove-if (rest lst) pred))
This is straightforward and basically follows from the definition of a list: either null (empty) or a pair whose second element is a list. The C version is uglier because of the need to deallocate removed nodes, track pointers, etc., but it still follows from the definition of a list.

eh, what do you want me to say? everyone else here is calling me a smartass and you're telling me i'm an idiot.

it was c. i made some mistakes. i fixed them.

Well I don't mean to say that you are an idiot; I really am curious about what made removing nodes from a list difficult. One of the things that makes linked lists great to work with is how easily nodes can be removed or inserted.

Personally, I would be inclined to blame C as a language, rather than you as a programmer. You basically did that anyway:

"it was c. i made some mistakes. i fixed them."

> everyone else here is calling me a smartass and you're telling me i'm an idiot.

This is pure gold :D

The idea that you can classify a programmer's understanding of pointers based on doing linked list tricks is absurd. Usually Linus says things that make sense, but not this time IMHO.

Also the code proposed may work for linked lists that is a very well understood topic, but code like this in general is hard to understand and debug, without actually providing some serious advantage.

I remember some code on the Linux kernel implementing the inode caching in the virtual file system layer that was a mess like that, but multiplied by 1000. Very "Smart" indeed, but for the sake of what?

I am not even sure that this is what Linus was trying to say: I extracted a very different intention from his comment than the author of this post.

Is this really so amazing? I "invented" this long ago when I first implemented a binary tree. First you code the ugly version, and then in your mind or on paper you execute it and you see that there's nothing special about the root node, yet it is handled by a special case. Then you remove the special case, that's all. So keep in mind that contrary to what several people here are saying, it does not cause extra pointer dereferences.

Something 's not right. Still too complex. Ah. Lists are recursive. Their treatment should be recursive as well. Let's see…

  void remove_if(node ** head, remove_fn rm)
      node * entry = *head;
      if (rm(entry))
          *head = entry->next;
          head = &entry->next;
      remove_if(head, rm);
Ahh, much better: Now we can refactor:

  void remove_head(node ** head)
      node * entry = *head;
      *head = entry->next;

  void remove_if(node ** head, remove_fn rm)
      if (rm(*head))
          head = &entry->next;
      remove_if(head, rm);
I'm sure GCC will be able to optimize away the tail call.

Edit: oops, I forgot to test for empty lists, which was implicit in the for loop I set out to remove…

Tail calls are considered very bad style, for good reason. gcc can indeed optimize them away, at a sufficiently high level of optimization; but it's not very nice to write code that, e.g., runs out of stack space only when compiled for debugging.

"...very bad style"? That's quite an overstatement. You can enable individual optimizations with gcc. Just add `-foptimize-sibling-calls` to the debug CFLAGS and you're set. Tada! Straightforward code and debug-ability.

But that would be making your code dependent on a particular feature of a particular compiler. If you then want to port your code to Windows (lots of open-source code runs there too), you'll have to deal with the problem again there. If you wrote the code with an explicit loop, it would just work everywhere.

On the other hand, for a linked list, recursion follows immediately from the definition of the list, while iteration does not. I would rather have my debugger allocate a large stack or compile the code so that TCO was enabled even when I was debugging than have to deal with implementations that do not clearly follow from a high-level design.

Lists are recursive, right. Better than double pointer indirection is to have the function return the new head. Note that the following code is not functional, but returning the new head makes it cleaner.

    node *remove_if(node *head, remove_fn rm)
        if (rm(head)) {
            return remove_if(head->next);
        head->next = remove_if(head->next);
        return head;
A good use of this technique (returning pointers to the resulting node) is the following code which very cleanly implements AVL trees in C (from http://infoarena.ro/multe-smenuri-de-programare-in-cc-si-nu-... -- scroll to the end (sorry, main article in Romanian)):

    #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
    #define geth(n) (n->h = 1 + max(n->l->h, n->r->h))
    struct node
          int key, h;
          struct node *l, *r;
    } *R, *NIL;
    typedef struct node node;
    void init(void)
          R = NIL = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
          NIL->key = NIL->h = 0,
                  NIL->l = NIL->r = NULL;
    node* rotleft(node *n)
          node *t = n->l;
          n->l = t->r, t->r = n,
                  geth(n), geth(t);
          return t;
    node* rotright(node *n)
          node *t = n->r;
          n->r = t->l, t->l = n,
                  geth(n), geth(t);
          return t;
    node* balance(node *n)
          if (n->l->h > n->r->h + 1)
                  if (n->l->r->h > n->l->l->h)
                          n->l = rotright(n->l);
                  n = rotleft(n);
                  if (n->r->h > n->l->h + 1)
                          if (n->r->l->h > n->r->r->h)
                                  n->r = rotleft(n->r);
                          n = rotright(n);
          return n;
    node* insert(node *n, int key)
          if (n == NIL)
                  n = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
                  n->key = key, n->h = 1, n->l = n->r = NIL;
                  return n;
          if (key < n->key)
                  n->l = insert(n->l, key);
                  n->r = insert(n->r, key);
          return balance(n);
    node* erase(node *n, int key)
          node *t;
          if (n == NIL) return n;
          if (n->key == key)
                  if (n->l == NIL || n->r == NIL)
                          t = n->l == NIL ? n->r : n->l;
                          free(n); return t;
                          for (t = n->r; t->l != NIL; t = t->l);
                          n->key = t->key,
                                  n->r = erase(n->r, t->key);
                          return balance(n);
          if (key < n->key)
                  n->l = erase(n->l, key);
                  n->r = erase(n->r, key);
          return balance(n);
    int search(node *n, int key)
          if (n == NIL) return 0;
          if (n->key == key) return 1;
          if (key < n->key)
                  return search(n->l, key);
                  return search(n->r, key);

Just for fun I made a benchmark for "two-star" and "one-star" versions of remove_if() and build() (to link an array of nodes). Code: http://ideone.com/D7bzmo

Results with {gcc-4.7.2,clang-3.2} -march=corei7 -O3

  build_onestar+remove_if_onestar: 0m0.309s 0m0.357s
  build_onestar+remove_if_twostar: 0m0.302s 0m0.324s
  build_twostar+remove_if_onestar: 0m0.310s 0m0.361s
  build_twostar+remove_if_twostar: 0m0.302s 0m0.320s
The two-star version of remove_if() is a bit faster here, but both build() versions are the same, across both compilers.

Not a C programmer , but if I was asked to implement this I would be more comfortable doing something like the first. The second took me a few moments to figure out.

Perhaps this is a result of many people learning in languages like Java where the idea of double indirection isn't quite so explicit so this style feels somewhat unnatural?

I could easily imagine introducing very weird bugs by mixing up my pointers and pointers-to-pointers. To mentally visualise a linked list I find it easier to just imagine a stack of boxes attached by string and work on the basis of cutting and reattaching the string to different points, this is more difficult under the 2nd approach.

The double-pointer trick makes for a more concise code, but it doesn't always lead to the code that is faster.

That said, it's actually an excellent C interview question. Combined with "write a binary tree iterator" it reliably measures one's exposure to thoughtful C programming.

That said, it's actually an excellent C interview question

This was actually one of the very first questions we used to ask during interviews at Tenable. I'm honestly kind of amazed it's now seen as some sort of tricky technique. I would think (or hope) most C programmers would see it as basic competence with pointers.

I would think (or hope) most C programmers would see it as basic competence with pointers.

Which is exactly what Torvald's was saying. All the comments here going "that's unreadable" or "it's too clever" scare me. And I don't even consider myself some C coding rockstar (took me a bit to sort out my own mental picture of pointers).

"Hope" is more like it. I went to one interview where they asked to traverse a list, and since it was for a senior C position I gave them the * * version. There was this pause and then their lead dev said that this cannot possibly work. It was really awkward.

Wow. I tell you- reading through some of the responses on here, I'm feeling a lot more confident about my job security as a C programmer.

It likely is faster because it avoids more branching altogether, thus branch mis-predictions.

But memory access is more expensive. Double de-referencing a pointer to pointer might perform worse.

There is actually no difference in the memory access pattern of the two approaches, unless your compiler is entirely out to lunch. Memory is only touched in either approach to:

a. loading the address of the next node. b. updating the link address when a node is deleted.

which are performed the same number of times on the same underlying data in either approach.

See above comment about load-hit-stores. Memory order and what's in flight in the pipeline matter in surprising ways.

Reminds me of the very funny description of a Three Star Programmer over at http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ThreeStarProgrammer

EDIT: I see it's also linked in the article.

A nice example of the old adage that "most problems in computer science can be solved by adding an extra layer of indirection".

"...except too-many-layers-of-indirection."

Why is this supposed to be such a big deal? The second example uses the language's features to be able to use shorter code.

Usually there are countless possibilities for the exact same thing in every program. Personally, I would never say those who produce code with unused possibilities do "not understand" the corresponding language features.

Especially when writing example code or working with less experienced programmers, I even think that using less language features for the sake of making your algorithmic idea as obvious as possible is better practice.

For exmapel, I find it far more important that one decides wisely when to use a linked list at all or, if there are multiple fuctions for removal, chooses the right one for a particular use-case. Therefore everyone has to understand whats happening.

Honestly as somebody who reads/ writes C every couple of months, I don't see what's so clever about it. This level of understanding for a C programmer should be the bare minimum, I think...

Which is very much what Linus was saying (and I agree).

You can just use a dummy node and track the previous entry. Then you don't have to ever pass back the front of the list, or treat the front of the list as special at all.

It's more elegant then the double level pointer, imho.

How is it more elegant if it effectively doubles the number of pointer dereferences?

This makes me miss programming in C.

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