Also remember that the 5Bn pageviews is not the reason to shard -- it's the total size and mutation rate ("read/write ratio") of your data. If your DB fits in memory, or if your reads are 10X your writes, don't just shard because it's cool.
A wonderful read for anyone looking to learn about sharding. However, the Final Thoughts section is probably the most important: don't do it unless you have to. Sharding is a pain and will severely limit your ability to develop new features quickly and for many sites, sharding will never be needed (since they won't grow that big). Databases are efficient and hardware is fast. Sometimes your user-base is larger than what those great things can handle so it's good to know what sharding is, but it isn't fun to do so avoid it if you don't need it.
If you plan to create a popular product that handles tons of data and tons of users, then include sharding as soon as possible. Bolting sharding on after you have lots of data, lots of code, lots of traffic and lots of users is a nightmare and worst-case scenario.
You can postpone it thought if you are unsure how popular your product will become. If you do postpone it, then be sure your joins are "sane" - normally, you don't really do joins in a sharded environment as data is located on different databases, so you will do yourself a major favor in not doing joins that will force you to re-model your data when you switch to sharding.
And in a sharded environment you also copy things around :)
I like to abstract data access from the implementation of its storage, so making changes to the storage methodology shouldn't/won't require substantial changes to business or application logic. Keeping the separation clear is more difficult for some people than others. One of the problems with the route you are suggesting is that people don't know the future. Eliminate bottlenecks as they start to come up, and don't tightly couple unrelated concerns.
I work for Netlog as a web developer (great job!). Netlog's main audience are indeed teens and people in their twenties. The site is extremely popular in Europe, kinda like the Facebook of Europe.