Seriously though, this is by far the best solution if you have the space. Just design your bathroom so that you have to round a corner (or place some other obstruction behind the doorway) to move bathroom users out of the line of sight. No outward-swinging door killing people, no outward-swinging door trapping people inside, no germs.
> design your bathroom so that you have to round a corner to move bathroom users out of the line of sight
At my workplace the bathrooms are designed liked this. Works absolutely wonderfully, impossible to see into the bathroom, convenient, no touching the same door handle that-guy-with-suspect-hygiene-practices-just-touched etc.
... and then about 6 months ago, they installed doors on these same bathrooms (without changing anything else). Even worse, they're sort of cheap-n-nasty sliding doors, which have a tendency to bind and get stuck closed!
I have no idea what prompted this, it's rather mystifying, that they do it now, given that it's an old building which has lasted like 60 years without the doors...