Convenient to you and necessary are not synonyms. There is an Internet full of free (beer and/or speech, your call), legal, pretty designs that you can use to your heart's content.
I recommend anything by Styleshout (great web 2.0y designs), MultiFlex (more traditional, a little boring by default but clean and fits just about anything), and several of the designs on for projects which don't have the budget for a custom design. I actually ran a profitable business off of an OSWD template for almost two years:
I recommend anything by Styleshout (great web 2.0y designs), MultiFlex (more traditional, a little boring by default but clean and fits just about anything), and several of the designs on for projects which don't have the budget for a custom design. I actually ran a profitable business off of an OSWD template for almost two years:
Strip out the giant sunflower, add in a header, and bam, its a B2C software sales site.