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"Elements of Statistical Learning" should definitely be on the list. It is one of (if not THE) leading intro graduate textbooks in machine learning.

http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/ or straight to the PDF at http://www.stanford.edu/~hastie/local.ftp/Springer/ESLII_pri...

Thanks! Do you happen to have the solutions manual for the IR book?

ESL is a good book, but it should be mentioned that it is a significantly more difficult read than the other suggestions. Not at all an introductory-level text on ML.

Well, if you're willing to just follow the graphs and the argument the first time around, you can definitely get some use from it. I learned about classification, cross-validation and the bias-variance tradeoff from the first time I read it, and it significantly spurred me to deepen my understanding of the relevant mathematics.

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