I haven't tried running it on my development machine; last time I tried installing it, it was on the server we use at work to host our git repositories.
Since it was already a dedicated server machine (which we even use sometimes to host some small web apps), I thought I had my work cut out for me.
It was the amount of system work required (sudo-ing, chmod-ing, installing mysql because we only used postgres before, creating users) that made me give up eventually.
I want to give GitLab another try, so I'll see into using Vagrant for that.
But I still believe some install scripts would be very much appreciated and help the project gain popularity.
Since it was already a dedicated server machine (which we even use sometimes to host some small web apps), I thought I had my work cut out for me.
It was the amount of system work required (sudo-ing, chmod-ing, installing mysql because we only used postgres before, creating users) that made me give up eventually.
I want to give GitLab another try, so I'll see into using Vagrant for that. But I still believe some install scripts would be very much appreciated and help the project gain popularity.
Btw, re Python - I still see the paragraph "Make sure you have the right version of Python installed" on: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/4-0-stable/doc/ins...