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Ask HN: Help finding a consultant/contractor
1 point by wallawe on Dec 14, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I am a front end developer myself but I am at a loss here so what better to do than ask the HN community.

I have a family friend who is a serial entrepreneur and has several accomplished businesses in the physical goods realm. He and a couple other guys are teaming up to venture into the technical world (more specifically digital audio on the web). They have absolutely no technical expertise.

I am trying to put them in touch with a reputable and reliable firm that can provide folks that act as product managers and steer them in the right direction and one that also has a reputation for good reliable code that can be maintained over the long haul.

They are well bankrolled (can drop 100k+) and prefer to deal with firms only in the U.S. What advice or references would you provide for someone in their situation?

Thanks all

If you prefer private email, see my profile.

They really need an invested co-founder with technical experience. A consultant can help but really doesn't have the right incentives.

Thanks for the response. That was my initial advice was to hire programmers full time and give them skin in the game via substantial equity.

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