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Oddly, I think their warehouse employees might beg to differ. (Especially right now, since it's the middle of the Christmas rush.)

They actually tend to like the Christmas rush. Temps, anyway. Gives a person without any alternatives on the market some decent cash, since this time has a lot of overtime hours available.

Just a couple weeks ago, I met someone who works at an Amazon warehouse. He liked his job, and he seemed happy about the overtime he'd receive during the Christmas rush.

That's good. I remember reading an article a while back about the working conditions in amazon warehouses and it sounded really unpleasant. I don't think it was this article exactly, but this one is pretty similar: http://www.mcall.com/news/local/amazon/mc-allentown-amazon-c...

I love Amazon, but I hate to think of people being miserable and in terrible pain as they put my order together.

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