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I've been to a lot of similar places in Australia, though I'm not sure about this one.

The thing I don't get is how/why people keep going until they get stuck. Is there not a point where you think 'this doesn't look like the road to Mildura anymore' ?

Places like that national park should only be entered in a 4x4 and you need to be carrying a water supply, spare fuel and various other bits of equipment.

I know how having experienced it myself. In my case I was almost stuck in the French Alps using Google Maps on the iPhone. It had taken me off the autoroute onto a national highway that turned into a country road that eventually turned to a dirt road. The rental car's built-in GPS (which I had switched off earlier because it had given me bad directions before) actually came through this time. On the way back I used the directions one of the locals gave me to use the newly opened autoroute instead.

I used to laugh when I heard stories like this in the news. But in my case it's dark, we're all tired, in an unfamiliar location, and I'm busy looking for sign/landmark/anything to get me pointed in the right direction. And, it managed to snow (this was in May). So when you're doubting yourself and not sure what decisions to make guess who doesn't have that problem? The little 4-inch box sitting on your dashboard who is speaking with absolute authority that you need to make a right in 400-meters.

And that is why people get stuck in the places they do sometimes.

Yeah, sorry, I'll trump your tale. IOS maps got me chased out of the Baikonaur cosmodrome by the Russian Army and "special police" at 4 in the morning. The roads in Kaz are dirt tracks for thousands of miles, frequently, so getting lost is easy - particularly when the road vectors have a one-point-per-10km res.

Fortunately, they thought it was hilarious that an Englishman in an 80's Merc should rock up at their launch facility looking rather tired and confused, otherwise I wouldn't be telling you this.

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