There are a few road in France (some very famous Tour de France "col") that I know become part of a ski resort in winter time. Sure the road is indeed still there but for several months a year you need a pair of ski, a pass and the skill to manage a red track.
The important point to note though, is that independent of the quality of the map in your GPS, there is plenty of indication along the road. Turn by turn indication is great, but indication on the road itself should take precedence.
I don't know what makes somebody follow blindly a magical widget in a way they would never follow local people giving them indication. ( I had quite often the situation of friends following the GPS instead of my indication, despite having lived in the area for 30+ years. )
The important point to note though, is that independent of the quality of the map in your GPS, there is plenty of indication along the road. Turn by turn indication is great, but indication on the road itself should take precedence.
I don't know what makes somebody follow blindly a magical widget in a way they would never follow local people giving them indication. ( I had quite often the situation of friends following the GPS instead of my indication, despite having lived in the area for 30+ years. )