Yes and no. While you can go too far with it (and I'm not judging whether LS did) having a nice office makes workers happier, and more likely to stay. Providing free food means they are less likely to leave the office, etc. etc.
I agree, but there's always going to be a 'good enough' point somewhere between drab-gray-walls-office-park and million-dollar-renovation. When I see startups do this I see them pushing too far to the right end of the bell curve.
Some startups really come off like 'new money' people: buying lavish top-of-the-line-equipment with the same mindset as someone who buys $500 flip-flops because they saw Jennifer Aniston wearing them.
I'd much rather see experienced people that know when to invest in something and when something is 'good enough' over someone bragging about their 50+ retro arcade room.
> Providing free food means they are less likely to leave the office
This bothers me to a point that I am less likely to consider a company that offers free food. I look at these 'perks' as "Oh hey, we'd prefer if you would stay and work through lunch, also, why not just stay and work through dinner! We're having Pasta tonight! Breakfast anyone???" Nooooo Thankyou.
"Oh hey, we'd prefer if you would stay and work through lunch"
While some offices might be like that, not all are. I have a cafeteria in my office and I'm very glad for it- it saves me having to go out in the rain to get lunch. It has a separate seating area so it's not like you're expected to be typing while you eat.
Just because you eat in the office and/or at your desk doesn't mean that you're necessarily working. I've worked places where lunch time would consist of people browsing the news on their computers or just kicking back with the people around them while they ate.
It's not a total waste of money, but it can be.