ES6 may well be the death of Javascript. They've managed to turn Javascript into Java, which means web programming is about to turn into a buggy nightmare.
Seems to me that ES6 adds a lot of useful constructs.
Java is usually criticized for adding features too slowly and promoting bloated codebases due to an inflexible language. I don't see how this is anything like Javascript or promotes buggy programs.
It doesn't look anything like Java. There's a class statement, but it's not something dramatic, just some syntax around normal JS prototype patterns. The JS2 proposals years back started to look a lot more like Java, but those never went anywhere.
Languages don't work that way. Anyone touching the language has to deal with the whole thing.
Tooling ES6 code is more complicated, learning the language is much more complicated (it was nicely minimalist compared to other mainstream languages). At least they mostly stuck to mucking with the syntax--saying they turned it into Java is crazy until they introduce Java's broken threading.